Course Features
Use real-life problems to cultivate students’ logical thinking, develop students’ perception of numbers, and make connections with real-world situations. Use the knowledge learned to solve some practical issues.
Students are carefully assigned to different classes and handled differently based on their prior knowledge, skill level, and potential. Teachers' scaffolding tactics and interactions are optimal for developing and improving students’ reading comprehension.
Possess diverse topics for students throughout all levels. Students will be able to expand their reasoning ability, abstract ability. Covered mathematical concepts including calculation, spatial graph transformation, operation rules, and orderly analysis.
Course Contents
Module 1 capitalizes on the energy and excitement young students have as they enter their first day of Pre-K by providing a playful and active, yet carefully sequenced structure through which children progress.
In Module 2, children learn to identify, describe, sort, compare, and create two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes and objects.
Module 3 challenges students to build on their work with numbers through 5 to make sense of and count groups of 0, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 objects.
Students identify measurable attributes of objects in terms of length, weight, and capacity.
In Module 5, children transition from the comparative concept of more to the concept of addition.
In this module, daily fluency activities with concentration and emphasis on counting are integrated throughout the concept development.
In this module, students seek out flat and solid shapes in their world.
Students now compare and analyze length, weight, capacity, and finally, numbers in this module.
Students begin to harness their practiced counting abilities, knowledge of the value of numbers, and work with embedded numbers to reason about and solve addition and subtraction expressions and equations.
Students learn to clarify the meaning of the 10 ones and some ones within a teen number and extend that understanding to count to 100.
Students further develop their spatial reasoning skills and begin laying the groundwork for an understanding of area through composition of geometric figures.
Students make significant progress towards fluency with addition and subtraction of numbers to 10 and to decomposing and composing addends and total amounts.
This module serves as a bridge from problem solving within 10 to work within 100 as students begin to solve addition and subtraction problems involving teen numbers.
Experiences with direct length comparison to the new learning of indirect comparison whereby the length of one object is used to compare the lengths of two other objects
Focusing on the role of place value in the addition and subtraction of numbers to 40
Students continue daily fluency with addition and subtraction
Students extend their understanding of and skill with tens and ones to numbers to 100
Fluently add one-digit to two-digit numbers at least through 100 using place value understanding, properties of operations, and the relationship between addition and subtraction
Students engage in activities designed to deepen their conceptual understanding of measurement and to relate addition and subtraction to length.
In this module instruction includes a great deal of counting: by ones, tens, and hundreds.
Immersed in the base ten system as they built a strong foundation of place value understanding through a concrete to pictorial to abstract approach.
Build upon their mastery of renaming place value units and extend their work with conceptual understanding of the addition and subtraction algorithms to numbers within 1,000, always with the option of modeling with materials or drawings.
Lays the conceptual foundation for multiplication and division
Presents an opportunity for students to practice addition and subtraction strategies within 100 and problem-solving skills as they learn to work with various types of units within the contexts of length, money, and data
Students extend their understanding of part–whole relationships through the lens of geometry.
Building on students’ fluency with addition and their knowledge of arrays
Students explore measurement using kilograms, grams, liters, milliliters, and intervals of time in minutes.
Extends the study of factors from 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 to include all units from 0 to 10, as well as multiples of 10 within 100.
Students explore area as an attribute of two-dimensional figures and relate it to their prior understandings of multiplication.
Students extend and deepen practice with equal shares to understanding fractions as equal partitions of a whole
Builds on concepts about data, graphing, and line plots.
Offers students intensive practice with word problems, as well as hands-on investigation experiences with geometry and perimeter.
Students extend their work with whole numbers.
Preparation for multi-digit operations and for manipulating fractional units in future modules.
Students use place value understanding and visual representations to solve multiplication and division problems with multi-digit numbers.
Introduces points, lines, line segments, rays, and angles, as well as the relationships between them.
Students build on their work with unit fractions as they explore fraction equivalence and extend this understanding to mixed numbers.
Gives students their first opportunity to explore decimal numbers via their relationship to decimal fractions, expressing a given quantity in both fraction and decimal forms.
Students build their competencies in measurement as they relate multiplication to the conversion of measurement units.
Students explored the relationships of adjacent units on the place value chart to generalize whole number algorithms to decimal fraction operations.
Students apply the patterns of the base ten system to mental strategies and the multiplication and division algorithms.
Students’ understanding of addition and subtraction of fractions extends from earlier work with fraction equivalence and decimals.
Students learn to multiply fractions and decimal fractions and begin working with fraction division.
Volume is introduced to students through concrete exploration of cubic units and culminates with the development of the volume formula for right rectangular prisms.
Students develop a coordinate system for the first quadrant of the coordinate plane and use it to solve problems.
Students are introduced to the concepts of ratio and rate.
Students complete their understanding of the four operations as they study division of whole numbers, division by a fraction, and operations on multi-digit decimals.
Students extend the number line (both horizontally and vertically) to include the opposites of whole numbers.
Students extend their arithmetic work to include using letters to represent numbers.
Students utilize their previous experiences in shape composition and decomposition in order to understand and develop formulas for area, volume, and surface area.
Students move from simply representing data into analyzing data.
Kids love when we make learning more authentic. Try substituting student names in your word problems or using a math activity to introduce themselves to one another at the beginning of the year.