Fun & Live Afterschool Learning

Enjoy Afterschool Anytime, Anywhere!

Trusted by 10,000+ families
Performed over 200,000 classes

Starting at only:


Why Classover?

200+ top-quality educators with professional experience

Customizable courses accessible through any device

Unlimited Classes for only $399/month

Small Class sizes of 1-6 students per class

Our Courses

Classover commits to offering students the academic advantage. We offer courses in over 18 high-demand subjects, guaranteed to improve their capabilities seamlessly.

200+ Top State-Certified Teachers For Your Child

What makes Classover an extraordinary online afterschool learning program is the host of high-quality and professional educators. We have over 200 highly-skilled teachers with extensive experience as elementary and middle school personnel. All of them have a passion for creating a bright future for your child.


Jodi (Art Teacher)

‘Be fearless, don’t be worry to make mistakes. It’s just Art.”


Joseph (Math Teacher)
“Practice makes perfect, and learn from your mistakes.”


Joshua (English Teacher)

‘Let’s find your motivation of learning English!”

Kayla Baobian

Kayla (Singing Teacher)

‘I believe we can always have fun and learn something new!”


Marynés (Spanish Teacher)
‘Learn new vocabularies are important for learning Spanish.”

Jane Weaver

Jane (Singing Teacher)

‘Stay positive, stay focus and find your vocal power.”

200+ Top State-Certified Teachers For Your Child

Classover courses are led by some of the country’s best teachers, vetted for their expertise and results. These great teachers are ready to be your child’s learning companion for a worry-free experience.

How Classover Works

1. Sign Up

Contact us to sign up for Class Over

2. Download App

Download the Classover App and choose a credit plan.

3. Enjoy Learning

Take a class Anytime & Anywhere!

From Our Parents

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